easier way!
In the
With a donation you can support our school activities, the educational project or directly help a family pay the tuition.
The liberal provision allows the possibility of deducting 30% in your tax return.
Today it is possible through:

BANK TRANSFER directly to the account held in the name of Fondazione Agostini Ferrarini ETS
IBAN = IT87 I0503412807000000130423
In the reason for payment write: liberal donation accompanied by your surname and name and fiscal code
(example: liberal disbursement ROSSI MARCO CF: RSSMRC76L10H223W) -
SDD BANK : lo you can request via email by writing or click here to download the form
IN CASH: come directly to the secretariat at our schools. Make an appointment, a person will be able to help you. You can also donate via debit card !
Don Carretti secretariat hours - Elisa Lari secretariat hours
​ For further information call 333 4490716 or write to
Your contribution is important. Thank you for what you want to donate!

With your
The aggregation between the two schools allowed us to take advantage of the 5x1000, a choice to be made during the tax return phase by indicating our tax code: 03013360353
Managing the finances of two schools is not easy but we are doing everything we can to contain costs: we have many initiatives planned to best support ourselves with everyone's help .
At Coop, Esselunga or Conad: bring the vouchers you receive at the checkout to school at the end of the shopping and help us obtain useful material for our new activities and games!
Coop and Esselunga in the period September and October.
Conad in the months of April and May.

on Amazon
Register with your Amazon Account on "One click for School" , and Amazon will donate 1% of the value of your purchases made on in the form of virtual credit to one of our schools. It costs you absolutely nothing , and it will be a valid help for us! Click the "Donate now" button, choose the school and follow the instructions shown in the video alongside. The initiative is valid for the entire school year.
Offering a bit of your
You can choose to dedicate a few hours of your time to us by offering yourself as a volunteer at the service of the two schools!
For information contact us on 333 4490716 or write to