Times and fees
The Elisa Lari nursery welcomes children from 18 to 36 months of age.
The nursery school welcomes children aged 3 to 6 years.
The educational service is open from 1 September to 30 June , from Monday to Friday from 7.45am to 4pm.
Secretariat hours :
Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 13:00
or by appointment
FEES SY 2024/25:
Nursery school fee: €3,600 per year
(from September to June for a total of 10 monthly payments of €360)
Nursery school fee: €2,600 per year
(from September to June for a total of 10 monthly payments of €260)
IBAN: IT87I0503412807000000130423
Annual registration fee: €100
A reduction is available in the case of siblings attending both schools.
Contact the school office for more information.
7.45am - 9.00am
12.30 - 13.00
3.30pm - 4.00pm
4pm - 6pm
(with separate contribution)

The school includes four nursery school sections for a total of 95 children and includes a nursery-spring 18/36 month section for 20 children. Thanks to LR 19/2016 and with LM n.65 of 2017, the possibility of conceiving an educational center for childhood 0/6 in close exchange and effective collaboration in educational, planning and organizational paths materializes. In this way, life within the school is organized with the possibility of common spaces and times but also moments of planning and teaching activities in different sections for each type of service.
How does the morning go?
At the beginning of the morning, the children of the nursery and their families are welcomed by a teacher in the section dedicated to them, according to the criteria of quiet and calm, to allow a quiet greeting and a moment of rest and relaxation. pampers thanks to a narrative. At the end of the placements, in the first phase of the year, the children are welcomed into the common space (playroom) together with all the children and teachers of the school. The children in the nursery experience daily contact with the nursery children, in particular during certain moments of the day, such as the morning reception or the afternoon reunion. Subsequently, the nursery children are accompanied by the section educator to their nursery space. At 9.30 am , after a snack with fresh fruit and the roll call in the friendship circle, the structured activities begin. The children are thus divided into small groups to begin the day's activities. The educators work alongside each other during educational experiences and games to support and sustain the children's actions as directors/mediators. For children who need morning rest , a space is dedicated in the section. Once the daily activity is over, we prepare for lunch , eaten in the section, again dedicating a moment to personal hygiene. The auxiliary dedicated to the section that accompanies the group during the day, rearranges the space and prepares the afternoon rest of the children who also stay in the afternoon. The children who do not stay to rest, join the others from childhood in the common space awaiting the arrival of their parents. After rest and a snack, the children, together with their teachers, await the arrival of their parents.

The school is open from Monday to Friday from 7.45am to 4pm.
How does the afternoon go?
The after-school service, from 4pm to 6pm, is made up of a shared project experience between nursery and childhood with the presence of educational staff who organize and propose various activities on a daily basis both in the internal and external spaces of the school. The service is organized so as to be able to respond with wide availability and flexibility to the needs of families regarding work-life balance.
And in the summer?
The summer time service is active throughout the month of July, from 8.00 to 16.30 for nursery and nursery children, which can also be managed by an organization external to the school.
The importance of rituals
Daily life in the nursery section is characterized by times and rhythms that mark the day and which are thought out and planned from the moment of entry. The collective of teachers focuses, compares and shares the organization of routines, important moments not only for the nursery, but also for the entire childhood center, as they are experienced systematically and consistently . They transmit safety and trust to the child, in living the spaces of the section with serenity, thanks also to the figure of the adult and the peer group. The day, with its times marked according to a precise rhythm, becomes a container of relationships, activities and constructions of meaning in a balance between quiet and activity, routine and change. The routines, repetitive and predictable in nature, mark the times of life within the nursery and throughout the nursery center but are reviewed by the ongoing collective to accompany the children on a true path that adheres to their personal growth and of group. From the moment they are introduced, the routines mark the day so that the children can find themselves in times and spaces and with safety and soon find themselves, thanks also to the figures of the educators and the peer group, serenely inhabiting the context in which they are inserted.
Routines are characterized by rituals , significant gestures which, repeated regularly, help the child to build a reference structure in which to orient himself and find meaning in what happens and changes over time. The greatest comfort is living this time in a collective context included in the peer group and with the mediation of the adult, who motivates and accompanies the daily experience.
Time at the nursery is a time of care and relationship that takes place at all times of the day, at a slow and relaxed pace so as to respect the individual needs of each child welcomed. It is also thanks to these slow moments that children can experience their autonomy and open up to others with trust and courage, feeling like protagonists of their own actions. The educator supports this process through authentic listening which translates into gestures of care and benevolence. During the morning and afternoon delivery times, where families need attention and availability, it is important that educators are organized in such a way as to guarantee them time to be welcomed and where, together with the children, they can give back the experience of day and give confirmation to the parent of what happened. Accompanying families with this presence allows you to establish a sincere relationship with them based on trust and acceptance.