Educational project
The aims of the nursery center are defined starting from the boys and girls we welcome, with the originality of their individual path and the relationships that bind them to the family and the social environment.
Children are placed at the center of educational action, in a collective context, in all their aspects, with their own history, all different in times and rhythms of maturation, all "special" children to whom an attentive welcome is reserved in the awareness of how much richness everyone's diversity can bring to others.
The educational community is a community of children in relationship with other children. The educational experience is in constant relation with the children's need to relate to peers , in the awareness that the promotion and development of each stimulates the promotion and development of others. Only in relationships can the maturation of a personality be achieved, capable of authentically recognizing its own value and at the same time granting it to others. In relationships with peers, children who have become friends dedicate time and attention to each other, imitate each other, exchange roles, live and experiment with their identity in comparison with others, express and develop their skills. They experience the measure of reciprocity and closeness, in a situation of substantial emotional balance. The role that families have is also central, as the nursery is also a community of adults: teachers, auxiliary staff and parents in different roles are constantly committed to accompanying the children welcomed on a path of well-being and growth of identity, autonomy and competence, enhancing all possible points of contact in educational action.

The space is organized so that it can take into account the multiplicity of children's needs, and that it can combine the need for safety, affection and care with the need and desire for exploration and knowledge, the feeling of intimacy with the pleasure of being together with others.
The garden allows you to enjoy outdoor design and teaching experiences, a place of profound discoveries and explorations . The educational proposals aim to guarantee significant educational experiences, aimed at promoting children's autonomy and development.
Meals are prepared daily by our school's internal kitchen , choosing fresh, seasonal products .
The lunch experienced in the section allows you to experience the meal moment in a quiet atmosphere , enhancing the beauty of the conviviality experienced by all the children together with the educators.

The school joins together with other schools in the area to the FISM (Italian Federation of Nursery Schools) of Catholic origin which stipulates specific agreements with local authorities (municipalities and regions) and, at a national level, with the Ministry of Education through the national FISM . From a planning point of view, our school is committed to evaluating the local proposals from year to year and to accepting those that best meet its educational purposes and the annual planning process. The school therefore interacts with the initiatives of other schools in the area and cultural institutions present in the city such as libraries, museums and theatres. The school enriches the training offer through quality projects such as: motor skills course, folk dance course. There is an open and active dialogue and exchange of information with schools of other types and levels to define projects and encourage the growth transition of children (e.g. continuity project with primary school).
The school currently includes three nursery school sections and a spring nursery section, for a total of 81 children between two and six years old. Our school is EQUAL pursuant to law 10 March 2000, n.62, starting from the 2000/2001 school year.
Identity and purpose of nursery and nursery school
The purposes of the nursery and nursery school are defined starting from the boys and girls it welcomes, with the originality of their individual path and the openings offered by the network of relationships that link them to the family and social spheres. The definition and implementation of educational and teaching strategies must always take into account the singularity and complexity of each person, their articulated identity, their aspirations, abilities and fragilities, in the various stages of development and training. The child is placed at the center of educational action in all its aspects: cognitive, affective, relational, bodily, aesthetic, ethical, spiritual, religious. In this perspective, the educational offer of our Christian-inspired school enhances all dimensions of the child and in particular takes care of the development of the spiritual dimension, encouraging precise existential questions that seek horizons of meaning and meaning. The project proposals are made in constant relation with the fundamental needs and desires of the children in the awareness that the promotion and development of each mutually stimulates the promotion and development of the others. Only in relationships can the maturation of a personality be achieved, capable of authentically recognizing its own value and at the same time granting it to others. The educational style that characterizes us aims to refer in particular to the evangelical values of unconditional acceptance of others , attention to the weakest, benevolence and forgiveness, to create an experience of authentic relational conviviality. Our school presents itself as an educational community: participation, sharing and discussion in everyday meetings and relationships are the values and strategies that qualify the way children, teachers and parents are part of the educational project. The intent is to enhance the plurality of perspectives by encouraging mediation to build a continuous educational dialogue and a sense of belonging to a community . Participation arouses and promotes solidarity, which is why our school is open to the participation of all families who intend to collaborate in the realization of the educational project. The educational action of our school is therefore aimed at actively collaborating with the parents of the children who attend with the aim of creating an educational alliance aimed at encouraging their growth in humanity according to universal and Christian values. Particular attention is therefore paid to welcoming families as a whole, both with a view to supporting their educational action and with a view to contact between families. School is an important crossroads for us, it is a space where families can meet, get to know each other and express mutual solidarity with respect to the educational path they are following with their children and the experience of family life.
The educational pedagogical proposal of our school is inspired by the fundamental lines of the "National Indications for the curriculum of nursery school and the first cycle of education" (2012) and for the spring section of Regional Law 1/2000.
The principles of the educational project
Our nursery and our nursery school are educational and social services with the aim of training and socializing children, with a view to their psychophysical well-being and the development of their cognitive, emotional, relational, social and spiritual potential. They support families in caring for their children and in educational choices. Our services are aimed at all girls and boys aged between two and six years and are the answer to their right to education and care, in coherence with the principles of cultural and institutional pluralism present in the Constitution of the Republic, in the Convention on the rights of children and adolescents and in European Union documents. They aim to promote the development of identity, autonomy and competence in children and to introduce them to citizenship. Consolidating identity means living peacefully in all the dimensions of one's self, feeling well , being reassured in the multiplicity of one's actions and feelings, feeling safe in an extended social environment, learning to know oneself and being recognized as a unique and unrepeatable person. It means experimenting with different roles and forms of identity: those of child, student, partner, male or female, inhabitant of a territory, member of a group, belonging to an increasingly larger and plural community, characterized by common values, habits, languages , rites, roles. Developing autonomy means having self-confidence and trusting others; feel satisfaction in doing it yourself and know how to ask for help or be able to express dissatisfaction and frustration by progressively developing answers and strategies; express feelings and emotions; participate in decisions by expressing opinions, learning to make choices and to adopt increasingly conscious behaviors and attitudes. Acquiring skills means playing, moving, manipulating, snooping, asking, learning to reflect on experience through exploration, observation and comparison between properties, quantities, characteristics, facts; it means listening to and understanding narratives and speeches, recounting and recalling actions and experiences and translating them into personal and shared traces; be able to describe, represent and imagine, "repeat", with simulations and role-playing games, situations and events with different languages. Living the first experiences of citizenship means discovering the other to oneself and attributing progressive importance to others and their needs; become increasingly aware of the need to establish shared rules; implies the first exercise of dialogue which is based on reciprocity of listening, attention to the other's point of view and gender diversity , the first recognition of equal rights and duties for all; it means laying the foundations of ethically oriented behavior that respects others, the environment and nature. These aims are pursued through the organization of a quality living, relationship and learning environment, guaranteed by the professionalism of the operators and by the social and educational dialogue with families and the community.
The educational space
Particular care is given to the space and the environment , which are crucial in the creation of the educational space in which relationships and experiences at school are made. The various environments are structured very carefully with the aim of responding to the cognitive and relational needs and desires of children but at the same time they are unstructured to open up ever new possibilities and compositions of the experience. In particular, the section space is intended first of all as a relational context where listening and attention to the micro world of children are privileged: individuals who are indispensably inserted into a group from which to draw and bring stimulation to build the experience. Through annual planning, observation and listening materializes in an experience proposal. After the initial observation we stop to note the children's interests, appropriately prompted by the context. We then intersect these with our interests, desires, history and compose them into some tracks , first directions to give to the experience. The initial explorable areas will allow us to walk for a certain time until it is necessary to evaluate and make project relaunches to continue. The methodological choices that guide our actions start from an initial delivery to the children of some "open problem" as an expansion of some of their interests or some of our hypotheses of interest: the stories, intuitions, experiences, knowledge of ourselves and of the children they intertwine and from this meeting the direction of the educational experience will be made thanks to the use of questions . The choice is not to prepare meticulous and detailed programs a priori but to act through integrative backgrounds , that is, to prepare light exploratory paths, legitimate questions, stories and narrations, situations that act as a plot for an experience that children construct directly and personally with accompaniment and direction of adults.
The documentation
The documentation of the experience represents a key element in its continuation, expresses a moment of reflection on action and allows good practices to be shared and highlighted. In documenting the adult gives back to the child what he has done and what he is able to do, highlighting the positive outcome of his willingness to experiment and measure himself with the experience. He takes on the role of narrator and in his actions he has in mind to enhance how the child dealt with the experience itself. With documentation we try to restore visible traces of the educational event , stitching together and giving an interpretation of the complex experience that the child is living. The basic choice of our school is to document in progress as each project is completed , with the main aim of also leveraging the fragments of memory that the child still retains and which he would lose in the long term. At the end of each week, the traces of the activity carried out are written down for the parents in a diary. The wall paneling, visible in the sections and common spaces, has the purpose of telling and illustrating the project that is taking place. Twice a year (in January and June) the paper publications of the projects, all the children's individual works and a DVD containing the photos and videos are delivered to the families.
A delicate and important job in nursery school is that of formative evaluation; it qualifies on the basis of its collegiality: from the comparison of the points of view of teachers and parents. It is the result of the comparison of individual visions, of the complementarity of the contributions that allow us to specify the complexity of the relational, affective and cognitive skills of each child. With formative evaluation we intend to enhance the motivations, interests, cultural needs, styles, levels, times and rhythms of learning of each child, the plurality of intelligences, the methods of use/understanding of language; the progress, the difficulties, the lines of development of the group and of each individual. Data collection occurs in play, in relationships with peers and with adults, in their relationships with food and sleep, in learning situations, in application and in responsibility. It is done on an ongoing basis and shared with parents.